Thursday, October 28, 2010

wat shud i do??????????????????

seems like he doesnt luv me shows in his eyes n his behaviour 2 me....when i started 2 luv him, dis thing hppen....i really luv much..but wat else dat i can do if he oledy like dis.. i cannot blame is my fault oso...feel so regret coz all dis tym he try 2 get my luv, but once i convince dat i luv him,he started telling sumthing dat he wanna leave me.....
wat shud i do???
i luv u, u know!!!really luv u...i jux its hard 4 me 2 expressed in my mouth..i jux can feel it...
i'm sorry if doing sumthing wrong 2 u..i noe, it a lot....isnt it???
hope u read dis...
luv u..really2 luv u...n i cannot live without u...
thx n sory 4 everything...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

its all about lab reports n assignment....

finishing all me lab reports...all need to be submit next week...1already finished n 2 2 assignment also need to be done n submit next week!!!!
its all about lab reports n 1 subject dat i cover...others???
today, my classmate from Indonesia, Hadi, piss off...already erupted pun...hahahaha....
it is because the undeactivated VIRUS...wakakakkaka
to hadi, we GETEKER's already realize the existence of dat VIRUS....
be chill Hadi...wakakakka
a lot of colours in my class....
got DRAMA KING n QUEEN, GBS, GETEKERS, DATIN n so many more....
these colours actually make our class more merrier..
some of this colour sometimes make me feel annoying...
especially DRAMA KING....
so full of drama n always make me n other GETEKER's annoyed.
poor him actually...
but i don't know how to make him realize that, the way he act actually make us more annoyed 2 him....
like MUMMY said, 'don't show your stupidity infront of people if you don't want to get humiliation...'


Thursday, October 21, 2010


waiting 4 my man...hehehhe..he got class,n i'm here at library waiting 4 him...dia hbis kls jm10.....less than 3hrs frm nw...
while waiting for him, sy smpt gak tbca sumthing interesting bout bini c najib ni...nma jak 1st lady msia,but acting like a stupid person..seems  like she didnt go 2 school in her lifetym.....bole dktakn buduh pun ada gak ni....below are the article dat i read from,

Islamic Fashion ala 1 Malaysia..Rosmah Mansor dan Najib promosi pakaian islam ala jahiliyah

Oleh: Pria Malaya

Rosmah rasmi festival pakaian Islam?..Rosmah Mansor sokong cara pemakaian Islam? Rosmah Mansor berbicara mengenai pakaian wanita Islam?...

Maka tidak peliklah, festival pemakaian islamic yang diadakan Kuala Lumpur April lalu menampilkan cara/fesyen pemakaian muslimah versi 1Malaysia Umnoapco (yahudi)..sungguh terhina lagi memalukan!

Salah satu agenda terbaru dajjal bagi membogelkan pakaian MUSLIMAH Malaysia dan Indonesia yang diterajuai oleh kerajaan 1MALAYSIA, Rosmah Mansor!!..

Penyokong 'parti Islam' Umno pasti terharu dengan bini PM Najib Razak ini..wallahua'lam..

VIDEO: Legends Islamic Fashion Show HD

P/s: Ada seorang hamba Allah bertanya penulis, siapakah di sebalik tabir/tulang belakang (penasihat dll) program 'fesyen Islam' (sukular) ini..jawapannya ialah pada gambar di bawah...

Berita berkaitan....


KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 10 (Bernama) -- Islamic fashion is fast becoming a lucrative business with the current market estimated to be worth more than US$96 billion (RM302 billion) a year, said Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.

Rosmah, wife of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, said it was an enormous market that had yet to be fully tapped.

"The global Muslim population comprises one of the fastest-growing consumer markets in the world, hence representing a major growth opportunity for businesses around the globe, including in the fashion sector," she said at the opening of the Malaysian-inspired festival, the Islamic Fashion Festival (IFF) Gala Dinner and Fashion Show, at the Monaco Sporting Club in Monte Carlo Monday night. The text of her speech was released here.

The event was attended also by, among others, Prince Albert II of Monaco, Qatar Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani, Najib and Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud.

Rosmah said that according to the prestigious Dubai French Fashion University Esmod, over half of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslim population is spending a substantial part of their annual income on fashion and accessories.

"This recent interest in Muslim fashion signals the changing dynamics of the ever-increasing interaction among Eastern and Western cultures. Nowadays, Muslim women can choose from a broad selection of designs to create a look that matches their values, traditions and tastes, without compromising any of the three," said Rosmah.

She said that thus "the fashion players would do well to plan ahead so as not to miss the proverbial boat in capturing this lucrative segment of fashion".

Rosmah said major clothing retailers had been busy highlighting how top brands like Anne Klein and Ralph Lauren were already producing fashion lines that met the Islamic requirement of full coverage.

"In the same vein, it is interesting to note that even as the great 'veil' debate raged in France, the country, being the fashion capital of the world, remains as one of the world’s major exporters for Muslim couture 'abayas' and 'niqabs'.

"Clearly, politics notwithstanding, those in the fashion business are increasingly aware of the burgeoning demand for Muslim apparel worldwide," she said.

Rosmah said she hoped that Monaco could emerge as one of the gateways to the European market for Islamic-inspired fashion from Malaysia and the rest of Asia.

On IFF, she said its main mission was to capitalise on fashion as a platform to bring together designers and fashion enthusiasts of different cultures, religious backgrounds and race to bring Islamic Couture into the mainstream of style and fashion.

Since it was started in 2006, IFF has spread its wings to Jakarta, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and New York, featuring the works of more than 200 designers, and had showcased a varied choice of styles and looks for Muslim-dressing, decidedly different from the stereotypical impressions of Islamic apparel held by many.

"The Islamic Fashion Festival is precisely intended to end the myth that a Muslim woman cannot posses a sense of style. On the contrary, Islamic dressing is a style of its own, and today it is beginning to attract more and more attention, as mainstream trends become increasingly bold, sensual and provocative which is unappealing to the more conservative consumers," she said.

In fact, in affirming the coming-of-age of Muslim fashion through the impressive collections, Islamic fashion is now considered as the breath of fresh air in a global culture, she said. - Bernama

cinta itu?? can hve a lot of meaning depends on da individual itself.....

Ask me anything


hello world!!!!
wau,its been a long tym i didnt update my blog sum trouble to sign in bha...i 4got my password!!!hahhahaha..LOL...
wat shud i say here????
hmmm......exm is around da corner n as usual, i didnt start my revision yet....hahahhahaha....i owez last minute study...heheheh...
i cannot wait 4 dis fday....wanna celebrate my 6monthsary with my man, Muhd Nur bin Saham...
actlly, da actual date is 19th Oct, but i hve 2 postpone it till dis fday coz my present dat i book from my fren still not finished sharon n tracy, hopefully my present u guys can make it as soon as possible...if possible b4 dis fday....amin.....
wanna suprise him actlly, but he already noe my plan...hahhahahahha......luckily he dunno wat's my present to him....hehehehe
talking bout dis fday,hopefully i can manage my tym so dat my plan goin smoothly without any schedule so full dis fday bha....8am-4pm got class n 5pm got meeting...aiyoooo......hopefully my plan still go on dis fday...
luv u MUHD NUR BIN SAHAM!!!!!!!

memories.....luv u so much!!!

~jux luv it~

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