Sunday, June 5, 2011

soooo looooonngggg.....

yoo what's up dude!!!hahahha..
its been a long time i didn't update my blog...
been busy with my new life....
by the way,i'm on my semester break right now,which takes approximately 4 month break..
i am so jealous with my other friend which can spend their holiday wisely with lots of joy and happiness..
but for me????
still stuck in UMS doing my final year project(FYP) and it will took around 3months to finish the whole project..
speaking about my  my FYP...
crazy right???hhahhahaha
let me explain about this project briefly...
the strange name that you read above, which can make your mouth twisted actually is a kind of fish..its commercial name is brown-marbled grouper.
basically, what i will do for this project is i construct the gene library for this fish. overall, the gene library for my fish actually half complete..what i will do after this try to complete the library which content all the full genome sequence of the fish..
i've already started my project and hopefully i will get something novel..
i'm not so smart person,but this project challenge my to improve all my skill and my knowledge about genetic...
below i upload some pic for you to know which one is the fish that i will working on...

stop talking about this bunch of crap ..the more i talk the more you don't understand...hahhahaha
lots of things happen since my last update..
my personal life....hmmm....
much more better..more happy and feel so great!!
thank to Allah for giving me chances to meet someone like him...
though still got a little bit of fight,but it doesn't matter..
because i believe in this words,'every relationship had their fight, but the differences are how you value your relationship more'....
done with my personal life...hehehe
today is sunday,12.42am...
and i cannot sleep..
feel so boring right now...
i need some amusement to make me feel motivating to do something...
but nothing i can get here because i'm stuck in the middle of night doing nothing and watch movie that i already watched!!!!!
enough for today...
see you later peeps...


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